
Friday, October 22, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl...

Miss T said "Dada" yesterday. From what I hear, it was a clear "Dada", not one of those "well, it sort of sounded like..." kind of things. Of course, I've been hearing "maaaaa" whenever she cries or whines for the past 6 months, but I'm sure that's all in my head, just as I can be anywhere with or without T and hear her crying. Anyways, syllable training is in full force now with a specific emphasis on Mama! If I'm the one feeding her at 2:30 every night, I deserve a little recognition, right? Silly girl.

Speaking of 2:30am feedings, we've been weaning T by reducing the amount of time she is allowed to nurse in the middle of the night. We've gotten to the point where we just need to stop now and suffer through it. The problem is that I have absolutely no will power at 2:30am! When we deswaddled at night, luckily T peed through her swaddle which left us with no choice but to follow through with our plans. That tactic can't help us with this one though. The only way to force the situation is for me to not be there at night. What am I supposed to do, sleep in a hotel? Hmmm, that doesn't sound so bad. Honey, you've got this one right? I'll be at the Hilton down the street for the next few nights! Love ya both!