
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

out shopping with Mama! My silly little girl!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Such an adorable little model, huh? :)

The girl is crafty like ice is cold!

I'm getting my craft on! With the colder weather approaching, I'm starting to feel the urge to make stuff again. I have a list of projects longer than Santa's list! Gifts for my friends' daughters (all of them!), a quilt here, and baby blanket there, etc, etc. Through a couple of friends, I've become addicted to Etsy and to crafty blogs. Feeding my frenzy, one such friend said to me the other day "I'm sure you could make this...". I could spend days just seeing what others are doing and think "Hey, I can do that too!". So, off I go, figuring out how to do kanzashi, crochet flowers, make pillow case dresses, and do appliques. It wouldn't be so bad if I had adequate space for all of my projects, however, Miss T took over the second bedroom, so now all my crafts are stored in the basement and my current projects are all over the living room! Poor hubby! I try to minimalize the chaos, but with no success! Another friend, the one who hooked me on blogs, said today "you could totally sell these on Etsy". I heart you, L! And thanks for the fix! With that, I plan on uploading pictures of my projects as I finish them. If you see something you like, let me know! Maybe it could turn into a career-on-the-side for me. You know, in addition to being a grad student, doing research, being a mom, etc.!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy 7 Months Old, Miss T!

Today, Miss T turns 7 months old. Yikes. When did that happen? Somewhere between the diaper changes (with a handful of explosions), the middle-of-the-night feedings and the never ending discoveries (both hers and mine), my little girl is now 7 months old! I found myself looking at pictures from her first week of life yesterday wondering just how she went from this tiny, skinny legged, observing-the-world infant to the beautiful, curious, interactive, full of personality little girl we have now? She now naps twice a day on a fairly regular schedule, she is eating solid foods and loving just about everything I give her, she has rolled both ways, is sitting and loves to stand. Yesterday, during a rousing game of peekaboo, while my eyes were covered and wondering where T was, she pulled my hands from my eyes as if to say "Here I am!". Seriously, I want to know how and when this happened. I want to know how I can freeze my little girl so that she won't grow up too fast, so that I can savor every development, every learning moment, every heart wrenching memory. She amazes me everyday.

Miss T - 3 days old.

Miss T - nearly 7 months old.