
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Introductions all around...

This is my first blog, and my first entry! Allow myself to introduce, um, myself...

I am a new mom of a beautiful baby girl, a wife, a grad student, and a future microbiologist. I wear many hats apparently and I try to do all of them well! I am originally from New England and have relocated to the mid-eastern states for graduate school. Being a Yankee (but not a Yankee fan!) I consider this the south though I'm told by locals that it isn't (it's below the M-D line, isn't it? then it's the south!). We live downtown in a major urban setting and try to give back by mentoring and teaching the Bible to inner city youth. I am currently teaching 5-6 grade girls whom I adore!

I have no idea where this blog will go. I randomly started it today simply because I clicked on a button to follow another blog. Maybe it will go somewhere, maybe not. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch some memories of my baby girl growing up, my grad student experiences, the situations my husband and I find our selves in as we strengthen our marriage and the many ways God inspires us in this city.

That's all for now!

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