
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

SLOW - holidays ahead

It seems that everyone I talk to has a ridiculously busy schedule this time of year. I thought ours was uniquely busy - so busy that even though our Christmas tree is up and the lights are on, we won't have time for a week to put the ornaments up (seriously?!?!). However, every person I talk to has a similar story. Every single night is filled with things to do, gifts to buy, parties to attend, etc. It seems like we are so busy with filling our Christmas season with "cheer" and "good will", that we can't even stop long enough to experience it! While this year is already a bust (I am physically unable to reneg on obligations that I have already committed to), I am making a resolution that in the future, I will make it a point not to make Christmas so busy and instead, slow down, stop even, and enjoy this time with the people I love and cherish most in the world. Little Miss T will only be a baby once, she will only be our only child for a short amount of time (no announcements, I'm just a planner), and I want to be able to look back and remember those special moments with her during Christmas, not the countless parties, events, shopping trips, etc. If it's not too late for you, I encourage you to make that happen this year. Cancel all those extra parties. Put aside all those extra little gifts you had planned to bake, make or buy. Spend that time with the friends and family that love you all year round, not just on the holidays.
Alright, with that, it's time to get ready for another work holiday party. Cheers!

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