
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I get a hand please?

Yes, it's halfway through January and I'm just getting around to my resolutions.
(I'm famous for procrastinating!) 
Here's the thing, I have a very big year planned for me regarding school, Miss T, a new business, among other things.  I've spent the last couple of days making plans for the year. And I've found myself sinking into a downward spiral of panic.  Here's what I've got planned:
Graduate by the end of December,
launch my Etsy shop,
find new daycare place/provider for Miss T by June. 
Any one of these things would be a huge undertaking, put them all together and it's a perfect storm for
"Everything has to be perfect"-Me
However, none of these things is my actual resolution.  My resolution is
(I'm being really brave here because it's hard for me to share this stuff sometimes, all the time)
to grow my relationship with God.
Ok, deep breath, it's out there. 
Growing up as Holiday Catholics (you know, Christmas and Easter, baptized but not confirmed), we didn't talk about God, He wasn't an every day presence in our lives, and we certainly didn't turn to Him for help. 
My husband will tell you that I am
Miss Independent-I-can-do-it-ALL-BY-MYSELF
Well, I can't.  Just admitting that I can't is hard enough for me, but now I really need to turn to God,
I just can't do all of this without Him.  I know that He can see me through, and that by growing closer to Him, I will be a better wife, Mom, and student/scientist.  He is the center of all of this and so I'm making Him the center of my resolution. 

So with that, I'm leaving you with my favorite verse of all time. 
This verse saw me through my recovery (physical and emotional) after our miscarriage. 
If it could carry me then, it can certainly carry me now.

Jeremiah 29:11
""For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


  1. Just as a follow up, after writing this, I had to go to my closet at work to pump and opened up the Bible on my lovely color Nook. I went right to James and read the first chapter and James 1:5-6 spoke to my heart ...
    "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."

  2. Hey, thanks so much for the comment and following my blog. I have been looking through yours and it sounds like we have a lot in common (not the the whole science thing :)).



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