
Friday, March 18, 2011

Signs of Spring

The Cherry Blossoms are getting ready to burst in fluffy pinkness.
Thus is one of my favorite times of the year.
I can't help but remember that the day I brought Miss T home from the hospital,
each one of these trees was a burst of color,
delicate pink flowers everywhere.
In about two weeks, T turns one years old!
Get out the tissues, I'm going to be weeping mess!

I've decided that in honor of the time year that we celebrate Miss T's birth,
I am going to bring her to Washington DC to see the Cherry Blossoms
and take part in the yearly Cherry Blossom Festival.
I hope this can turn into an annual family tradition.
I'd like to even purchase or make a Cherry Blossom outfit for her each year too.
This is the outfit I brought her home in -
 (Gap, Cherry Blossom Infant collection 2010)
She was swimming in it, the tiny thing she was!
I haven't been able to find anything to purchase this year, but I did find a few fabric options!
 Big sakura flowers on burgundy one yard Cherry Blossoms: Pink by Studio E - 1 yard Robert Kaufman Kawaii Asian Sakura Cherry Blossom Blue Fabric - By the Yard
I especially like the second fabric because of the orange and pink flowers. 
Orange in our family serves as a reminder of my brother-in-law who passed away nearly 8 years ago.
I love when I get to incorporate his memory into the things I create!
I'll keep you posted on what I make for her...

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