
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aubrey's mission

Hi everyone!

I'm taking a break from sharing my life with you guys today.

Well, kind of...

See, I know this amazing woman, Aubrey, who has such a humongous heart and loves to serve!
For a year now, Aubrey has been serving with me and B (and Miss T too!) in an inner city youth ministry.  She has been such a light to us and the kids we serve.

Well, that's not all.  Aubrey also has a dream to share the love of God with the people of Ecuador, serving in college campuses and an orphanage this summer!  She is also an incredible artist!  And, she has a plan to fund her mission trip using her God-given talents. 

Well, that's enough from me, I should let Aubrey tell the rest.

Hello!! (:
My name is Aubrey and as Melissa said, I’m currently preparing to go
on a mission trip to Ecuador this summer! Over the past several
years, God has continued to capture my heart through art and children
to lead me to this place!

In my high school years, I used painting as a therapy to enable me to
talk about the things I’d been through in my childhood. I was abruptly
blessed with the talent of drawing and painting immediately upon
pursuing them, a gift that could only have been from God! This talent
allowed me to cope through the difficult things I was going through,
open up family members and friends about what was really going on in
my life, and connect with peers that were experiencing similar
feelings and situations. The best part about discovering this talent
though, was that it led me to the cross!

After my first semester of majoring in Art Education, I decided I
wanted to do something different with my life than just teaching in a
public school system; I wanted to start an organization that provided
the same artistic outlet I experienced in high school to other
children and young adults that had been overlooked just as I was. I
realized that if my main goal in life was to serve, help, and enable
people coming from burdensome past or present situations, I needed to
start getting involved in their lives immediately.

That’s when I started serving with my beautiful friends, Melissa, B
(and little Miss T!) in an inner city ministry. My heart was stolen
by the amazing children and their stories and I’d never felt more
called to pursue my dream! After almost a year of working in the city,
my heart began to be pulled toward international missions. I began
praying about my desire and several weeks later, I was presented with
the opportunity to attend a 5 week mission’s trip to Ecuador! This
summer, I will be in a team of 10 college students and 4 staff members
with the privilege of working on college campuses and with a local
orphanage! I am soo excited to serve the community and to share the
love of Jesus in a place so much different than home.

I have currently raised almost $2,000 for this trip, but I still have
a long way to go! In the next 6 weeks, I must raise approximately
$2,700.00 in order to attend. To raise this money, I’m selling almost
all of the paintings and drawings I’ve done since I’ve been blessed
with this talent. ALL proceeds will go toward my trip toward Ecuador!
I am so excited for this amazing opportunity and I hope that you will
consider helping me accomplish my dream :)

What did I tell ya?  Isn't she amazing?  I don't know about you, but when I was 19, I was busy trying to plan my life about what I wanted rather than about how I could serve others.

So Aubrey needs some getting to Ecuador to serve college kids and orphans, are you willing to help her out?  You can take a look at her etsy shop.  You can also take a look at her blog if you'd like to know a little bit more about her.  If you'd like to just make a donation towards her trip, you can do that from her blog too!

Here's a sampling of what you'll find in her shop...

And for my personal favorite:

I'd also like to send a little more support Aubrey's way.  I've decided to list this item in my shop for Aubrey's trip.  All proceeds from purchasing this item will go directly toward funding Aubrey's trip.

So, my bloggy friends, let's get Aubrey to Ecuador, shall we?  Even if you can't contribute, I hope that you would pray for Aubrey and share her story with your cirlce of friends.  I know I can count on you!

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