
Friday, October 21, 2011

Take two of these? No thanks!

Yesterday was a bummer of a day.  It was one that began with such high hopes, which made it all that much worse when everything crashed.  I had been working on a two week experiment and yesterday was going to be the final day of analysis, to see if it actually worked.  On top of that, it was two experiments in one, two of the three experiments that I've been working on since July, two of the three experiments that I need to complete in order to graduate on time.  I was so built up about it, that I even had a team of people praying that all would go well.

Well, it didn't.  Controls didn't work - which means the experiment didn't work - which means that I'm not likely to graduate this December as I had been planning.  I was so depressed about the results that I couldn't even talk about it without tearing up.  I think I ate 5 fun size candy bars and I was still depressed.  I had a spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and I was still depressed.  I made my way to T's daycare to pick up the munchkin.  As soon as I walked in "MUM!" and dancing.  Lots of dancing.  Well, I guess things can't be all that bad right?

T and I had a busy but awesome afternoon together.  One lady even remarked to me how well behaved she was and asked if she was always like this.  Beaming, I had to reply, "Actually, yes!".  Running late, we had a quick bath night and off to bed, but I still wan't able to make dinner for my hubs.  Starting to slip into that funk again (what kind of wife am I  that I can't even have dinner ready on nights that B works late?), I walked to the door when I heard his key turn.  Knowing how my day had been earlier, he surprised me with flowers.  Flowers!  I am seriously the luckiest woman on Earth.  I have a beautiful, funny, daughter with a great personality who always makes me laugh and smile - AND I have a husband that is kind, sincere, thoughtful, loving and forgiving when we have grilled chese for dinner.  Who needs medication when you have all that?

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