
Monday, November 28, 2011

So thankful for my husband!

OK, I know Thanksgiving was last week and we're all just coming out of our turkey comas (well for me, it was a stuffing/mash potato/squash/broccoli/carrots and turnips coma!), but I really do want to share just how thankful I am for that wonderful man I married.

I've always felt very lucky to have him by my side, supporting me.  He is truly my best friend, a great husband and a terrific father.  However, this past week, all of that was made more true a thousand times over.  As usual, we began our holiday trek up north Tuesday night.  (Apparently, Tuesday is the new Wednesday as far as Thanksgiving travel.  We were so ahead of the curve!)  We timed our departure for T's bedtime so she would settle down quickly and we could enjoy the trip (and our snacks) in peace.  Our dear friend C was spending the week with us too and was following behind.  Our travel route is nearly carved in stone.  However, early on, there appeared to be a one-hour back up.  The GPS easily got us around that with only minor delays and we were so pleased at the time we were making given the holiday rush.  With only a few miles to go until our mid-point rest stop for gas and french fries, our trip quickly turned into a disaster. 

All of a sudden, our tire went flat.  It was midnight, cold and rainy.  We were on the side of the Garden State Parkway with T and Dru in the back.  After calling AAA (thank goodness we renewed!), we were told that it would be about 45minutes until help arrived.  My wonderful, self-sacrificing husband made the decision that I couldn't have made and though I didn't want to go along with it, I knew he was right.  We would transfer T, Dru and our suitcases to C's SUV and continue our trip without him.  Knowing that he wouldn't be able to drive the remaining 180 miles on a spare tire, B would have to find a hotel and get the tire fixed the next morning.  So, in the freezing rain, the transfer was made and us girls (and Dru) were on our way, my heart and gut wrenching at the thought of leaving B on the side of the highway.

It's moments like these that solidify what an amazing husband I have.  As tired as we were, we made the right decision for his family in a split second.  By lunch time the next day, we were reuinited.  I love you B!  Thank you for being so wonderful to us!

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