
Friday, December 23, 2011

Last Minute Gifts!

I sincerely love giving gifts.  My hubs, A.K.A. my business manager, constantly tells me that's why my shop will never take off.  It just makes me happy to give to the people I love!

Sometimes those gifts are needed quickly and this is the perfect solution - at least for the ladies in your life.  A super moisturizing, exfoliating sugar scrub! 

Use it on your hands 3-4 times a week, especially in the winter!  Heck, I even use it in the shower on my legs and feet (just not right before shaving - trust me on this!).  There's lots of recipes online, many free, some for a small fee.  The one I'm showing can be found from this original blogger:

I'd love to show you the exact recipe, but since it's in her for-sale e-book, I'll respect this blogger and direct you to the link above.  Or, get crafty and come up with your own!  I know I have some ideas in store for later in the year!

Here are my ingredients.  Simple, no?  And, I'm sure you already have them in your pantry!  Regarding the oil, I'd recommend ultra virgin olive oil, the lighter the better.  You don't want that scent to overpower your scrub.  You can always substitute with another oil too.

I purchased some half pint mason jars on the cheap from my grocery store and made some cute little labels.  The inner diameter of the cover is two inches, so I used PowerPoint to make a circle, inserted a text box and played around with font color and size.  Include instructions for use and you're good to go!  If I had modge podge, I'd use that to adhere and protect my little labels.  I tend to use what I have on hand and this glue stick worked just fine.

I made four batches worth of scrub in a gallon size ZipLoc bag.  I use these a lot!  Saves a lot of clean up time and I get to mush it around with my hands without getting me, a bowl, or the counter messy!  Mix until even, adding more sugar if needed.

Yum, doesn't that look good enough to eat?  I wouldn't though. :)

Jars all filled, now just screw on those lids.

Cut about 14 inches of ribbon (to fit these jars), or longer if you like to tie bows. 

I like to use my business cards as gift cards.  A little shameless self-promotion?  Maybe, but I always gift these with a promise to make them more in other flavors throughout the year, so this way, they can contact me easily!  Told ya I like to give gifts!

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