
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No Momma, no!

I love to sing to T.  I've been singing to her since birth.  Baby Beluga (one of my childhood favorites), Brush Your Teeth (always calmed her down), Over the Rainbow (magic!).  We sing ABCs in the car, counting songs, etc.  Problem is, I can't sing to save my life and as much as I like to sing, I'm always embarassed to do so in front of people.  I remember being really young and being made fun of (by my dad of all people) that I couldn't sing.  I also remember him making fun of my mom for the same thing.  Apparently she used to sing to me too, but I never knew.  I figured, of all people, that I could at least sing to T.  She wouldn't know the difference right?

I couldn't be more wrong.  Yesterday morning, we were looking at a recent daycare craft project of a reindeer and very seriously I asked T if she knew who the most famous reindeer of all was.  To her surprise, I burst into a lively rendition of Rudolph only to be cut short by "No Momma, no," and an adorable pouty face.  Well, it was early and we had to get to daycare anyways so I just laughed it off.

Later that night, we were all home and I was recanting the event to B.  How could I mess up Rudolph that badly right?  I mean, its Rudolph!  She must have just not been in the mood for singing, so I started up again and sure enough "No Momma, no."  This time, there were witnesses (which was soon shared on facebook, thank you honey!).  She even told me to stop singing when I was upstairs putting her laundry away.  Come on!  Does she think she's the next Simon Cowell or something?

So, my singing days are probably over, at least for a while.  I wonder how long until Baby #2 figures it out...


  1. Hahahaha ohmygosh she is hilarious! I'm sure your voice is wonderful :)

  2. Hey, maybe it was just the song!! Not your voice!! ;)

  3. Haha, "The Way I See It", I thought so too when she didn't want me to sing Baby Beluga or Rainbow Connection anymore (both go to sleep songs), but now I'm not so sure! ;)

  4. Ohhh Melissa, I feel your pain darlin. Before we knew Michael was hearing impaired, I remember singing to him while holding him real close. all of a sudden, he covers my mouth and says "No mommy, stop". A sad day :( haha but the memories are wonderful and still make me smile.


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