I love these two pictures of the girls in matching dresses. Not because they match, but because you can see how they interact with each other.
T loves to get down on K's level. Maybe its due partly to T suddenly wanting all her baby toys again, but she loves to entertain K. Often, I'll hear T squeal, "She's smiling at me!". Truthfully, T is the only one to make K laugh so far, and trust me, I've been trying!
Although I'm a hot mess in this one, I love that it shows one of our relaxing weekend mornings, me and the girls still in PJs, enjoying time together.
T has been asking to hold K a lot more recently. Now that K's head control is better, its much easier to orchestrate! I love seeing the joy in T's eyes in the picture below.
The best day, however, was when T said to K (unprompted), "I lub [love] you". It was all I could do not to cry!
woot! name drop! yay!