
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Great Joys

Ah motherhood.  People tried to warn me about it.  "Yeah, yeah," I said, "Most challenging, but the most rewarding, blah, blah, blah."  I had no idea...

My girls are one of the greatest sources of joy in my life.  They are also the most challenging.  Its amazing that two little, fairly new people can master such a balancing act.  Regardless, I'm loving every minute of it.

The other day, T proved her prowess in manipulation.  That girl has inherited my ability to stall like no other.  Bed time is the worst.  After PJs, teeth, books, prayers, songs and nursery rhymes, I finally get her into bed and the following dialog ensues:

T: Mummy
Me: Yes?
T: (blank stare)

T: Mummy
Me: What?
T: (blank stare)

T: Mummy
Me: What?
T: (blank stare)

T: Mummy

Me: What? (with more exasperation than I intend)
T: Guess what!
Me: *sigh* what?
T: I love you!

Who can resist that??

K has already wormed her way in and broken down all resistance I have.  She's so stinkin' cute!  I think she realized that T set the bar high and she's up for the challenge. 

Yesterday while waiting for my doctor in an exam room, K was approaching naptime and getting a little unsettled.  I laid back on the exam table with her sitting on on my belly. Those adorable little toes were just too irresistible, so I gave her a raspberry, which was received by "Heh, heh, heh".  Is that what I think it is?  A giggle?  So I did it again. "Heh, heh, heh".  And again and again, until we were both cracking up laughing and giggling.  I don't think my doctor has ever walked into an exam room like that before!  K's first belly laugh and it was at my OBs office.  Whatevs, I'll take it, just wish it would have been an appropriate place to video tape it!  Haha!

So, I'll take the temper tantrums, the accidents, the late nights and middle of the night feedings.  I'll take the fussy teething times and the sibling jealousy.  I'll even take the teen years when all girls hate their mothers as long as I get to experience a few of these great joys sprinkled in between, because I really had no idea going in just how rewarding motherhood could be.

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