For months, I agonized over fabric choices. The girls will share a room and I originally wanted their bedding to coordinate: pinks, greens, and brown. Not having any luck, I was finally inspired to do something completely different. I would honor their Uncle Andrew with K's bedding by doing a more feminine orange and blue. Andrew has a huge Syracuse basketball fan and going to a game each year is a tradition that my husband and his family keep up every year. While Syracuse's colors might not fit for a baby girl, I thought a tropical orange and turquoise combo, with some pink of course, would be perfect!
I also didn't want to do a traditional block quilt for K. I found some inspiration through none other than Pinterest:
So, I came up with this plan using trusty old Excel:
I would cut all strips the same width and then do two in a row for the doubles. I also tried a new stipple quilting technique on the white strips, which is basically free motion quilting in squiggly lines. It definitely takes some practice! I used fleece for the backing and no batting. I wanted something light enough that she could push away from her face but still provide warmth this winter.
So, all summer, I've been working on it a little here, a little there, and with a little tweaking...
it's finally done!
K took it out for a little spin. I think she likes it! And, her adorable little jammies match perfectly! Have I mentioned that my now 5-month old child is just beginning to wear 3-6 month clothes?! Peanut!
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